Player Profiles
Devilyn, played for both DRD Major Turbulence and FoCo Junior Roller Derby in the 2021-2022 season. Now, in 2023, she returns to focus her efforts for the FoCo Junior Roller Derby League.
Devilyn’s father writes: “She’s been playing derby for 11 years. She was able to watch her aunt play in Montana and she was in awe. We found a junior roller derby team in Colorado Springs when Devilyn was 6 and she hasn’t stopped skating since.”
Devilyn, in her senior year, is a great student and the senior editor for her school’s yearbook. In her down time, she likes hanging out with her friends, listening to music, and skating at the skatepark. Devilyn is in her natural state when she’s on her skates.
Mini-Tac joined FoCo Junior Roller Derby in 2021 and also plays for Foxtails Junior Derby female division team. The name Mini-Tac is a twist on her mom’s roller derby name (Cat-a-Tac) because her playing style looked like a mini version of her mom’s.
Mini’s mom writes: “She started playing roller derby in September of 2016, the smallest ten-year old on the track. She has always been super competitive in nature and roller derby gave her a super-fun and aggressive way to be competitive.”
Mini is in 10th grade and helps run one of her parents’ local skate shops. If she’s not in school, working, or at roller derby practice, she’s at the skatepark practicing flips and tricks.
Mini-Tac enjoys art, music, and animals. Mini would eventually like to make a career that involves working with animals. One of two children, Mini-Tac is a very independent and strong-willed young lady.
Monster joined FoCo Junior Roller Derby for the 2023 season. She also plays for Foxtails Junior Derby on their female division team. According to her mother: “Monster has been playing roller derby since she was 6 years old. She taught herself how to skate at the age of two and has loved being on skates ever since.”
She loves derby because “it keeps me busy, keeps me in shape, and has taught me discipline. It’s also taught me how to be respectful, gives me opportunities meet new people from around the world, and I love to be competitive.”
Outside of derby, Monster loves to hang out with her friends, go shopping, go to the gym and listen to music. She also plays volleyball, and is involved in wrestling and track for her school.